Report Generator
The Report Generator module enables the creation of customisable data capture templates for auditing, risk assessments or any other form of data capture that your business needs. Captured data is formatted dynamically to produce reports and documents to a standard format according to your requirements.
Custom Reporting
Build custom, company-specific templates to gather any information you need. Digitise and store any physical reports you currently have and allow your staff to fill them in from their phone or tablet, from anywhere.
The Report Generator tool enables standardised reporting and capture of corrective actions in a fast and efficient manner (both online and offline)

DataStation App
The DataStation app is one of the leading apps currently available on the market. Use the app to complete reports offline, create actions on the go, take photos and import them directly from the app. Completely customisable to gather data using a question set formulated by your business: Yes/No, multi choice, free text, photo and risk rating/scoring. Reports are published to a tailored PDF complete with your company’s branding.
Ready to get started?
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